
64 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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WTF MAN I'M LATE! Well better late than never I guess. Wow, what a beast this is.

OVERSCORE responds:

Still good to see you here! Glad you enjoyed it ;)

DUDE!!!! WHAT A TRACK!!!! THIS IS INSANE!!!! Holy $H!T this is an amazing track. What, the heck, HOW!? Legendary track, everything is P E R F E C T

OVERSCORE responds:

Thank you BuryBoy, knew you would like this one :)

Absolutely top notch as always. Also, is it just me or do these drums remind me of something?

OVERSCORE responds:

Thanks BuryBoy! Idk what the drums are reminding you of sorry

What the... AGAIN?! That was quick, and I love this music! I see the Scandinavian letter Ø in the title as well, is that a coincidence?

OVERSCORE responds:

I was working on this at the same time as the other one, that’s why it was so quick. The ø is NOT a coincidence… it’s like 60% aesthetics and 40% emotional significance ig
No I’m not Scandinavian, I just think it’s cool, looks like a 🚫

I'm sorry that I'm late to the review, but the song is fantastic! My only nitpick is that I find 15/4 to be a weird choice compared to something like 3/4 or 6/8. Like the 15/4 kinda makes it hard to find the flow of the song, but it's still adorable!

OVERSCORE responds:

It’s a weird time signature, that’s why I chose it :)
Normal time signature coming very soon

Who I am? Can't tell you yet. But yet again a nice song! Good vibes.

OVERSCORE responds:

Haha, glad you like it!

Dude this is insane! Great track here! This one I feel is more energetic, it’s completely different feelings than your last track. Gotta make a video with this, and improve my editing skills :)

OVERSCORE responds:

Thanks dude! Yeah some feelings changed, glad you noticed lol
Go ahead with that video, just make sure to credit me and stuff :)

You’ve mastered emotional music like this. This should be its own genre. A very sick beat here Score! I’ve had mental problems making me do things like wishing to commit s*****e, banging my head into poles, and this song feels like breaking free of the curse, and finally having a good life. I hope that’ll happen some day, as I don’t wanna bang my head against poles and h***************************t for much longer. I’m sorry for the severe censorship here, but these words could get me banned from Newgrounds. Hope you have a great time too. See ya soon Score!

Sincerely, Midnight Q.

OVERSCORE responds:

Thanks BuryBoy! Someone very close to me has had some of those mental problems as well, wanting to commit s*****e (sure I’ll censor it). They never succeeded, fortunately, but at one point I thought they had and… it’s not worth it, BuryBoy. The pain it causes to everyone who cares about you. You may think it’s the only way out, but it’s not, I promise.
The song definitely does have that longing for a normal life, as I’ve felt that a bit myself at times. All these interpretations are really uncanny accurate; I’m actually about to cry! I made a song and all of you are telling me it made you feel exactly like I did when making it. Damn…
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts, BuryBoy… please consider what I’ve said on the s*****e topic, okay?

Sick as always. What a beat! And so fast too!? Wow. Impressive considering how little you’ve uploaded so far in 2024. I wish this was in a video game.

OVERSCORE responds:

Yeah. I’ve uploaded so little because I’ve been busy and unmotivated lately, but I had a nice conversation with @SpeedoRH that really revived my interest in music. Then summer rolled around and I have a lot more time on my hands.

Yooooooo! Sick beat! The instruments are very well picked and the entire thing is just a clean masterpiece. One of your best by far. Gotta get to making a video with this song.

OVERSCORE responds:

Glad you think so! I was a little unconvinced about the mix, so hearing you call it clean is a relief. I’ll take the compliment, good luck making that video!

Norwegian autistic guy who wants attention. My name is HyperNight but I need to be a supporter to change it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ New tracks once a week or more (Not). (•︵•) As of 04/08/24 (DD/MM/YY) I will provide .fms and .nes files for people to mess with. (^‿^)

HyperNight @BuryBoyGD

Don’t ask.

Choking in Fortnite


Joined on 7/30/23

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