Sick as always. What a beat! And so fast too!? Wow. Impressive considering how little you’ve uploaded so far in 2024. I wish this was in a video game.
Sick as always. What a beat! And so fast too!? Wow. Impressive considering how little you’ve uploaded so far in 2024. I wish this was in a video game.
Yooooooo! Sick beat! The instruments are very well picked and the entire thing is just a clean masterpiece. One of your best by far. Gotta get to making a video with this song.
Glad you think so! I was a little unconvinced about the mix, so hearing you call it clean is a relief. I’ll take the compliment, good luck making that video!
I’m sorry that I’m late, I’ve not checked my inbox in a week or so. But better late than never :) Also I really like the instruments used here, and the song in general. Maybe I’ll use this in a video one day, it’s so great. I also think it’s sad that this wasn’t frontpaged. Great work Score!
Better late than never 😄 Glad you like everything, feel free to use in a video but plz credit me (you already knew that) and -RIP frontpage!-
Good vibes once more. *checks description* 4 HOURS?! Amazing that you can make such a great track in such a short time. Wow.
Yeah once I had the guitar sounding the way I needed it to (~1.5 hours in) and the piano mixed in right (~2 hours in) the rest was just composition, which is my strong suit rn :)
Absolutely vibing to this! Great track once more!
Glad this passed the vibe check lol
This one was really great, and the bassline is not nasty at all.
I meant nasty in a good way, but I guess it doesn’t go as hard as I thought 😅
These are some insane bangers! I really hope this game project is going well, and I hope it’ll be successful.
Thanks! I haven’t heard from the creator in a while, but maybe he’s still working on it or something.
Wow! This is a nice track, and a legendary return of one of the greatest musicians out there.
Thanks! I’m glad you still think so highly of my music!
OMG! What a track! It has the energy that a DnB needs.
Yes, but more importantly, it has FLUTE
WHAT THE HECK DUDE! One of your best songs of 2022 and 2023! It has an energy that most of your other tracks don’t. What a masterpiece from you and sawzer. This will keep me powering through my day. This should be on Spotify.
Thank you!! This collab, I did most of the melodies and structuring, while Sawzer made it all work technically. It ended up working out, and seeing how he made tracks actually helped me a lot in making my own.
Norwegian autistic guy who wants attention. My name is HyperNight but I need to be a supporter to change it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ New tracks once a week or more (Not). (•︵•) As of 04/08/24 (DD/MM/YY) I will provide .fms and .nes files for people to mess with. (^‿^)
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Joined on 7/30/23